5 Implementation

This topic provides the systematic instructions to configure the implementation.

The implementation comprises of Eureka client instance, Host, Port, authentication, and implementation specific service details. Oracle Banking Routing Hub supports web services and Rest API.


Default implementation is created whenever a new service provider is added.
  1. On Service Provider screen, click on the required service provider tile.
    The Implementation screen displays.

Add Implementation

The user can create the implementation manually.

  1. Click Add.
    The Add Implementation screen displays.
  2. Specify the fields on Add Implementation screen.


    The fields, which are marked with an asterisk, are mandatory.

    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 5-1 Add Implementation - Field Description

    Field Description
    Name Specify the name of the implementation.


    • Enter 0 to maximum of 255 characters.
    • No numeric value at beginning and no space allowed.
    Description Specify the description of the implementation.


    • Enter 0 to 1000 characters.
    • No space allowed at beginning or ending of the characters.
    Type Select the type of implementation from drop-down list
    The available options are:
    • QUEUE

    DEFAULT type is for REST and SOAP API calls.

    Default Toggle the button if user wants to default.

    Each type can have one default implementation.

    Eureka Instance

    Eureka Instance is available only for internal providers and default type.

    By default, Eureka Instance will be toggled ON for internal providers and OFF for external providers.

    Scheme Select the scheme from drop-down list
    The available options are:
    • http
    • https

    Scheme option is available only for default type.

    Service Name If Eureka Instance is toggled ON and type is default, then only service name is required.
    Host Specify the host.


    • Host cannot be blank.
    • Enter 0 to 255 characters.
    • Space is not allowed.

    If Eureka Instance is toggled OFF and type is default, then only host and port is required.

    Port Specify the port number.


    • Enter 0 to 6 characters.
    • Enter only numeric value.

    If Eureka Instance is toggled OFF and type is default, then only host and port is required.

    Authentication The below fields appear only if Eureka Instance is toggled OFF and Implementation Type is selected as Default.
    Type Select the type of authentication from drop-down list.
    The available options are:
    • BASIC
    • SSO
    Username Specify the name of the user.


    • Enter 0 to maximum of 255 characters.
    • No numeric value at beginning and no space allowed.
    Password Specify the password.
    Headers The below fields appear only if the Implementation Type is selected as Default.
    Add Click this button to add header.
    Actions Displays the action.

    The user can edit or delete the header.

    Name Displays the name of the header.
    Value Displays the value of the header.
    Service The below fields appear only if the Implementation Type is selected as Default.
    Type Select the type of service from drop-down list.
    The available options are:
    • WSDL
    • OTHERS
    URL Specify the service URL of the file location.


    This field appears only if the Type is selected as WSDL and SWAGGER.
    Name Specify the name of the operation.


    This field appears only if the Type is selected as OTHERS.
    Http Method Select the HTTP method.

    The available options are:

    • GET
    • POST
    • PUT
    • PATCH
    • DELETE


    This field appears only if the Type is selected as OTHERS.
    Endpoint Specify the endpoint URL for the operation.


    This field appears only if the Type is selected as OTHERS.
    Gateway Prefix Gateway Prefix is context path of below formatted URL.


    Import Click Import to extract the service information from URL and displays it in the Service list.


    This field appears only if the Type is selected as WSDL and SWAGGER.
    Service Headers

    Specify the Endpoint specific headers.

    Value can either be hardcoded or can be Velocity mapping.


    This field appears only if the Type is selected as OTHERS.
    Service Query Params

    Specify the Endpoint specific query parameters.

    Value can either be hardcoded or can be Velocity mapping.


    This field appears only if the Type is selected as OTHERS.
    Add Click this button to add the endpoint details in the Service list.
    Service Displays the extracted service from the selected URL.
    Operation Displays the extracted operation from the selected URL.

Authentication:If External Product processor require authentication to connect to it, Oracle Banking Routing Hub provides standard authentication mechanism schemes like BASIC, JWT, OAUTH_TOKEN, SSO, OAUTH_TOKEN_OIC.


In case of no authentication, NONE needs to be set as Authentication Type.
In case of identity propagation, SSO needs to be set as Authentication Type.
In case of OIC integration, OAUTH_TOKEN_OIC needs to be set as Authentication Type.
In case of JWT, OAUTH_TOKEN and OAUT_TOKEN_OIC, token will be cached by default.

  • WSDL:

    The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) is an XML-based interface description language that is used for describing the functionality offered by a web service.

    Both SSL and non-SSL WSDL URL are supported.


    If there is a change in wsdl file, then same wsdl file need to be imported again to update the provided service information in Routing Hub.

    Swagger is an Interface Description Language for describing RESTful APIs expressed using JSON.

    Currently, Swagger 2.0 & OpenAPI 3.0 both are supported.


    If there is a change in swagger file, then same swagger file need to be imported again in order to update the provided service information in Routing Hub.

    OTHERS option is selected for adding REST API details manually when provider does not have swagger file.


    If there is a change in existing endpoint, then the same endpoint details need to be entered again with the new changes in order to update the existing provided service information in Routing Hub.


If the Implementation Type is selected as Queue,

Figure 5-3 Add Implementation - Queue

For QUEUE type, refer to the field description table below.

Table 5-2 Add Implementation - Queue - Field Description

Field Description
Type Select the type of implementation from drop-down list
The available options are:

DEFAULT type is for REST and SOAP API calls.

Default Select the toggle if the user wants to default.
Queue Broker Select the queue broker from drop-down list.
The available options are:
Request Reply Platform Select the queue broker from drop-down list.
The available options are:

JMS_MESSAGEID is default request-reply pattern.

Connection Factory Specify the connection factory.

Connection Factory is JNDI based connection factory name which is used to create connection for JMS client.

Queue Specify the queue.

Queue Name is JNDI based destination name.

Connection Factory Specify the connection factory.

Response Connection Factory is needed when destination is going to respond back after processing the request.

Queue Specify the queue.

Response Queue Name is needed when destination is going to respond back after processing the request.


External product processor might require some standard headers to be passed along with the request. User can specify the headers which are required by service endpoints for its all implementations but not present in swagger file.

  1. Follow the below steps to add Headers.
    1. Click Add under Header section.
      The Add Header screen displays.
    2. Specify the fields on Add Header screen and click OK.


      The fields, which are marked with an asterisk, are mandatory.

      For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

      Table 5-3 Add Header - Field Description

      Field Description
      Name Specify the name for the header.
      Value Specify the value for the header.
  2. Click OK to save the details.
    The Confirmation screen displays.

Import Implementation

The user can create an implementation by importing the JSON file. The user can also import zip file in order to import all the configuration JSON files together (except parent level configuration JSON files).

  1. On Implementation screen, click Import.
    The Import Implementation screen displays.

    Figure 5-5 Import Implementation

    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 5-4 Import Implementation - Field Description

    Field Description
    File Click Select to select the file.


    Allows only to select one file and accepts JSON and ZIP file.
  2. Click Import to import the selected file.
    The Confirmation screen displays.
    The below data needs to be changed after importing provider configuration file:
    • Implementation Host and Port
    • Implementation Authentication Password

View Implementation

The user can view implementation details and can also switch to edit form by clicking on edit icon.

  1. On Implementation screen, click Operation menu (3 dots button) and click View.
    The View Implementation screen displays.

Edit Implementation

The user can modify the implementation details.

  1. On Implementation screen, click Operation menu (3 dots button) and click Edit.
    The Edit Implementation screen displays.
  2. Click Save once the edit is done.
    The Confirmation screen displays.

Delete Implementation

The user can delete the implementation details.

  1. On Implementation screen, click Operation menu (3 dots button) and click Delete.
    The Confirmation screen displays.

    Figure 5-9 Confirmation - Delete

Export Implementation

The user can export the implementation configuration as JSON file.

  1. On Implementation screen, click Operation menu (3 dots button) and click Export.
    The Confirmation screen displays.

    Figure 5-10 Confirmation - Export Implementation

    Below data cannot be exported:
    • Implementation Host
    • Implementation Port
    • Implementation Authentication Password

    The above data needs to be configured manually after importing the configuration file. Same has been mentioned in Import section.


End-user can configure the properties for failing the routing hub requests.

  1. On Implementation tile, click Operation menu (3 dots button), and click Configuration.
    The Configuration screen displays. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 5-5 Configuration - Field Description

    Field Description
    Disable cache This property is used to disable the token caching.


    Default value is false.

Request Audit

  1. On Implementation screen, click Operation menu (3 dots button) and click Request Audit.
    The Request Audit screen displays.


    Refer to Request Audit topic for screen and field description.

Clear Cache

The user can clear the SOAP client cache.

  1. On Implementation screen, click Operation menu (3 dots button) and click Clear Cache.