17 Oracle Banking Routing Hub VM Arguments

This topic provides information about Oracle Banking Routing Hub VM arguments.

Common Core Managed Server

(Y for archiving and N for purging)

To receive routing failure mail notification via plato-alerts-management-service, then set the following property to true, (Default value is false)


In order to change the behavior of auditing, then set the below property from predefined values (DEFAULT / KAFKA / LOG / OFF), (Default value is DEFAULT)



For KAFKA option, cmc-obrh-kafka-consumer service needs to be deployed.
In order to overwrite the customization that is not part of configuration JSON,

-Dobrh.import.overwrite=<IMPORT_OVERWRITE> (Default value is false)

To use Custom Keystore and Truststore for HTTPS scheme,

-Dobrh.keystore.password.encoded=<IS_PASSWORD_ENCODED> (true, if password is base 64 encoded)
(true, if keystore is required along with truststore)
-Dobrh.keystore.path=<KEYSTORE_PATH> -Dobrh.keystore.password=<KEYSTORE_PASSWORD>
(Default value is TLS)

To perform the tomcat deployment,

-Dobrh.server.isJavaEE=false (mandatory)
(default is 50) (optional)
-Dobrh.taskexecutor.maxpoolsize=<MAX_POOLSIZE> (default is 50) (optional)
-Dobrh.taskexecutor.queuecapacity=<QUEUE_CAPACITY> (default is 100) (optional)

To set Proxy settings for HTTPS,



As per the Java Networking documentation, HTTPS protocol handler uses the same as the http handler (http.nonProxyHosts). in case of Weblogic, http.nonProxyHosts do not work for some reason. So, use https non proxy host argument (https.nonProxyHosts).

To set logger level,

- Dplato.service.logging.level=

To do SSL based SOAP provider calls and if RoutingHub is deployed on weblogic environment,



This property will enforce WebLogic Server to use SUN SSL implementation (javax package) rather than the WebLogic one.

Plato Core Managed Server

Oracle Banking Routing Hub is using Multipart for Import feature. By default, spring supports max 1MB file size and 10MB request size for Multipart.

To import bigger files,

plato-api-gateway.multipart.max-file-size=<MAX_FILE_SIZE> (default is 1MB)
plato-api-gateway.multipart.max-request-size=<MAX_REQUEST_SIZE> (default is 10MB)


-1 for no size constraint


