2.2 Business Details

This topic describes the basic details of the SMB customer in the top left pane of the SMB 360 page.

The following figure shows a sample of the business details tile.

This tile contains the following information:

Table 2-2 Business Details

Data/Label Description
Logo Displays the business logo of the SMB customer.
KYC Status Displays the KYC status of the SMB customer.
Registration Number Displays the registration number of the SMB customer.
Date of Registration Displays the date of the registration.
Country Of Registration Displays the code of the country where the business is registered for the SMB customer.
Classification Type Displays the classification type of the SMB customer.
SMB Registration Number Displays the SMB registration number.
Tax Identification Number Displays the tax identification number of the SMB customer.
GST Identification Number Displays the GST identification number of the SMB customer.
Business License Number Displays the business license number of the SMB customer.
Documents Displays the documents captured for the SMB Customer.
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