3 Customer Demographics

This topic describes the basic details about the SME’s business.

The Customer Demographic information can be seen by clicking Customer Demographic on the SME 360 page.

The following figure shows the various sections on this page.

Figure 3-1 Customer Demographic

The following table describes the various sections on the Customer Demographic page.

Table 3-1 Customer Demographic Sections

Sections Description
Demographic Details Contains the following basic details of the business:
  • Logo
  • Name
  • Address
  • Contact details
  • Registration details
  • Classification
  • Industry sector
  • Revenue
  • Operating income
  • Assets
  • Equity
Stakeholders The key stakeholders for the business are as follows:
  • Management team
  • Sponsors
  • Guarantors
  • Suppliers
  • Bankers
  • Insurers
Financial Profile Financial profile of the customer that includes:
  • Balance sheet details
  • Revenue
  • Operating profit
  • Net profit
  • Return on investment
  • Return on equity
  • Return on asset
Industry Wise presence Different industry sectors to which the SME caters.
Balance Sheet Balance sheet details for the SME – Asset, Liability, and Owner’s Equity.
Country Wise Presence List of countries where the business is operational.
Subsidiaries A view of the SME’s business hierarchy including all the subsidiary companies.
Rating Credit rating for the SME provided by external rating agencies/internal rating provided by the bank.

Basic Details

This section contains the following basic details of the SME:
  • Name
  • Address
  • Contact information
  • Industry segment
  • Areas served
  • Revenue
  • Operating income
  • Net income

Stakeholder Information

This widget contains the details of the key stakeholders for the SME.

The following types of stakeholders are displayed in this tile. Users can select the respective tab to view the details.

  • Guarantors
  • Suppliers
  • Authorized Signatories

Figure 3-4 Stakeholders Expanded View

You can click on the individual stakeholder, to view the stakeholder details in 360 view. If the stakeholder is a non-customer, the system will launch the Stakeholder Summary screen to view non-customer stakeholder details.

Financial Profile

This widget displays the financial details like Revenue, Operating Income, and Net Income for the SME.

Figure 3-7 Financial Expanded View

For more information on the columns in the expanded view, refer to the Column Description table.

Table 3-2 Financial Profile - Column Description

Column Description
Financial Year Displays the financial year for which the details are displayed.
Revenue Displays the revenue of the SME customer in the financial year.
Operating Income Displays the operating income of the SME customer in the financial year.
Net Income Displays the net income of the SME customer in the financial year.

Industry Wise Presence

This widget displays the different industry sectors to which the SME caters to.

Figure 3-8 Industry Wise Preference

Figure 3-9 Industry Wise Presence -Expanded View

For more information on the columns in the expanded view, refer to the Column Description table:

Table 3-3 Industry Wise Presence - Column Description

Column Description
Sector Displays the industry sector in which the SME customer is present.
Group Displays the respective business group.
Industry Displays the industry for which the details are displayed.
Revenue Displays the revenue of the SME customer in the respective industry.
Operating Profit Displays the operating profit of the SME customer in the respective industry.
Revenue Period Displays the revenue period for which the revenue and operating profit are displayed.

Balance Sheet

This widget contains information about the SME’s balance sheet.

Country Wise Presence

This widget displays information about the countries where SMEs have offices.

Figure 3-11 Country Wise Presence

Figure 3-12 Country Wise Presence - Expanded View

For more information on the columns in the expanded view, refer to the Column Description table:

Table 3-4 Country Wise Presence - Column Description

Column Description
Office Name Displays the name of the SME office.
Address Displays the address where the SME customer’s office is present.
City Displays the city where the SME customer’s office is present.
Zip Code Displays the zip code of the address.
Contact Displays the contact number of the SME customer’s office.


This widget contains information about the SME hierarchy and the subsidiary companies.


This widget contains the credit rating of the SME provided by external credit rating agencies or internal ratings provided by the bank.

Figure 3-15 Credit Rating - Expanded View

For more information on the columns in the expanded view, refer to the Column Description table:

Table 3-5 Credit Ratings - Column Description

Column Description
Agency Name Displays the external agency name which provides the credit rating of the SME customer.
Assessment Year Displays the year of assessment.
Rating Displays the credit rating of the SME customer for the assessment year.