Symbols, Definitions and Abbreviations

The following are the symbols you are likely to find in this guide:

Table - Symbols

Symbol Function

Add icon

Add icon

Edit icon

Edit icon

Delete icon

Delete icon

Calendar icon

Calendar icon

Close icon

Close icon

Increase/Decrease value icon

Increase/Decrease value

Maximize icon


Minimize icon


List icon

Open a list

Perform search

Perform Search

Table - Common Icons and its Definitions

Icon Operation


Click Submit to default the checklists applicable for the stage based on the application category. After verifying all the checklists and the selection of the outcome, the task will be submitted.


Click Post to post the comments below the Comments text box.


Once you click Cancel, the system will ask for confirmation and on confirming the task will be closed without saving the data.


Click Hold to save the captured details and suspend the task status. The suspended task will be available in the Hold queue. This option is used if there is any pending information to be captured. If mandatory fields have not been captured, the system will display an error until the mandatory fields have been captured.


Click Next to save the captured details and then the system will move to the next screen. If mandatory fields have not been captured, the system will display an error until the mandatory fields have been captured. If mandatory fields have not been captured, the system will display an error until the mandatory fields have been captured.


Click Back to save the captured details and move to the previous screen.

Save and Close

Click Save and Close, the captured details will be saved. If mandatory fields have not been captured, the system will display an error until the mandatory fields are captured.