4.1.5 Model Import and Export Maintenance

Models can be moved from one environment to another environment using Model import and export.

Using this functionality models can be trained in one environment and be used in another. To process this screen, perform the following steps:
  1. On Home screen, click Machine Learning. Under Machine Learning, click NLP Toolkit.
  2. Under NLP Toolkit, Click Model Import Export.
    The Model Import Export screen displays.

    Figure 4-18 Model Import Export

Export Model

Use Export Model option on the screen for exporting a model. Model will be exported to a file. Perform following steps for process:

  1. Select the Export Model section in the Model Import Export screen.
    The Export Model screen displays.
  2. Specify the required details in the Export Model screen.

    Table 4-6 Export Model - Field Description

    Field Description
    Usecase Select the required usecase from the dropdown list.
    Run Reference Select the run reference from the dropdown list.
  3. Click on the Export Model button and Model file will be downloaded.


    Please note down the Model Import Code, as it is required while importing model.

Import Model

Use Import Model option on the screen for importing a model. Model will be imported using model file created while exporting model. Perform following steps for process:

  1. On the Model Import Export screen select the Import Model section.
    The Import Model screen displays.
  2. Click on Drag and Drop option and select the export model to be uploaded.
  3. Specify the Model Import code to be imported.
  4. Click Import Model to upload the model successfully.