1.4.2 Financial Profile

This topic provides the systematic instruction to enrich the customer’s financial information in the Financial Profile.


The fields marked as Required are mandatory.
  1. On the Party Details screen, click on the Financial Profile section
    The Financial Profile screen displays.
  2. Click + icon to add the financial profile.
    The Add Financial Profile screen displays.

    Figure 1-24 Add Financial Profile

    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 1-14 Add Financial Profile – Field Description

    Field Description
    Year Specify the year for which the financial details will be captured.
    Balance Sheet Size Specify the balance sheet size of the Financial Institution for the selected year.
    Operating Profit Specify the operating profit of the Financial Institution for the selected year.
    Net Profit Specify the net profit of the Financial Institution for the selected year.
    Year Over Year Growth Specify the year-on-year growth.
    Return On Investment Specify the return on investment for the selected year.
    Return On Equity Specify the return on equity for the selected year.
    Return On Asset Specify the return on assets for the selected year.
    Capital Adequacy Ratio Specify the Capital Adequacy Ratio.
    Cost to Income Ratio Specify the Cost to Income Ratio.
    Equity Specify the Equity.
    Gross Impaired Loans Specify the Gross Impaired Loans.
    Liquid Assets Specify the Liquid Assets.
    Loan Loss Res/ Impaired Loans Specify the Loan Loss.
    Net loans by deposit and Structured funding Specify the Net Loans by Deposit.
    NPA coverage ratio Specify the NPA coverage ratio.
    NPA ratio Specify the NPA Ratio.
    Return on Avg Equity Specify the Return on Avg Equity.
    Return on Avg Assets Specify the Return on Avg Assets.
    Tier 1 CAR Specify the Tier 1 CAR.
    Total Assets Specify the Total Assets.
    Unreserved Equity Specify the Unreserved Equity.
  3. Click Save to save the details.