1.18 Event Delivery Platform

The Event Delivery Platform serves as an integration framework connecting event publishers and event subscribers. This platform facilitates the seamless flow of events, which are generated upon the completion of specific actions by event-publishing products. The events are then consumed by event-subscribing products.

The key functionalities of the event delivery platform include:

Event Visibility on Cloud:

The users can effortlessly view events published by Oracle Banking Microservices Architecture products on the cloud. This feature enhances transparency and allows for real-time monitoring of event occurrences.

Event Subscription:

The platform enables products to subscribe to specific events based on their requirements. Subscription ensures that subscribers receive only the relevant information, streamlining the overall event management process.

Event Delivery via Oracle Banking Routing Hub:

Subscribed events delivered efficiently to all designated subscribers through the Oracle Banking Routing Hub. This centralized hub optimizes the routing and distribution of events, ensuring reliable and timely delivery to the intended recipients. By providing these capabilities, the event delivery platform establishes a robust foundation for managing and optimizing the flow of events within the Oracle Banking ecosystem. This, in turn, enhances the overall efficiency, responsiveness, and reliability of event-driven processes across the platform.