Fact Creation

This topic describes the systematic instructions to create the Facts required for Dynamic Task Allocation.

The following FACTS are supported out-of-box

  • Priority
  • applicationDate
  • applicationNumber
  • processRefNumber
  • amount (for Loans and Credit Card)
  • currencyCodebranch
  • currentBranch
  • user (initiated by user )
  • customerNumber
  • processName
  • processCode
  • stage
  • lifecycleCode
  • businessProductCode

Other facts (using data elements from any of the Data Segments) can be derived by using http task. Facts can be created on any of the input parameters from Task for each Stage.

Initiate the FACT Creation

  1. On Home screen, click Rule. Under Rule, click Fact.
  2. Under Fact, click Create Fact.
    The Create Fact screen displays.


    For more information on Fact Creation, refer to the Rule Framework section in Oracle Banking Common Core User Guide.