Service Consumers

This topic describes systematic instructions to configure the service consumers.

The Service Consumer is an Oracle product that invokes Oracle Banking Routing Hub API. Oracle Banking Routing Hub analyses, evaluates the destination product processor and, transforms the data into a format of the same.

The Service Consumer comprises the source and destination integration details.

Specify User ID and Password, and login to Home screen.
  1. On Home screen, click Core Maintenance. Under Core Maintenance, click Routing Hub.
  2. Under Routing Hub, click Service Consumers.
    The Service Consumers screen displays.

Add Service Consumer

  1. Click Add.
    The Add Service Consumer screen displays.

    Figure 3-28 Add Service Consumer

  2. Specify the fields on Add Service Consumer screen.


    The fields marked as Required are mandatory.

    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 3-25 Add Service Consumer - Field Description

    Field Description
    Name Specify the name of the service consumer.


    • Enter 0 to maximum of 255 characters.
    • No numeric value at beginning and no space allowed.
    Add To add, refer to step 5.

    Select the group from the drop-down list.

    The available options are:
    • Group
    • Variable
    Group Select the group from the drop-down list.
    Action Displays the action.

    The user can edit or delete the header.

    Name Displays the name of the header.
    Value Displays the value of the header.

Environment Variables:

The user must define the group of variables which can be accessed throughout the specific consumer’s configuration.

The syntax for accessing environment variables is below: $env.Environment_Group_Name.Environment_Variable_Name

For example, $env.COMMON.BRANCH_CODE

  1. To add Environment Variables, follow below steps.
    1. On Add Service Consumers, click Add and select Group from drop-down list to add the group.
      The Add Environment Group screen displays.

      Figure 3-29 Add Environment Group

    2. Specify the fields on Add Environment Group screen and click OK.


      The fields marked as Required are mandatory.

      For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

      Table 3-26 Add Environment Group - Field Description

      Field Description
      Name Specify the name of the environment group.


      • Enter 0 to maximum of 255 characters.
      • No numeric value at beginning and no space allowed.
    3. Click Add on Add Service Consumer screen and select Variable from drop-down list to add the variable.
      The Add Environment Variable screen displays.

      Figure 3-30 Add Environment Variable

    4. Specify the fields on Add Environment Variable screen and click OK.


      The fields marked as Required are mandatory.

      For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

      Table 3-27 Add Environment Variable - Field Description

      Field Description
      Name Specify the name of the environment variable.


      • Enter 0 to maximum of 255 characters.
      • No numeric value at beginning and no space allowed.
      Value Specify the value of the environment variable.

      The value can either be hardcoded or Velocity mapping.

  2. Click Save to save the details.
    The Confirmation screen displays.

    Figure 3-31 Confirmation - Add Service Consumers

  3. Click Confirm to save the record.

Import Service Consumer

  1. Click Import.
    The Import Service Consumer screen displays.

    Figure 3-32 Import Service Consumer

  2. Specify the fields on Import Service Consumer screen and click OK.


    The fields marked as Required are mandatory.

    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 3-28 Import Service Consumer - Field Description

    Field Description
    File Select the file using Select.


    Allows only to select one file and accepts only JSON file.
    Extract Extracts the consumer name and service provider list from JSON file and displays it in the respective elements.
    Name Specify the name of the service provider.


    • Enter 0 to maximum of 255 characters.
    • No numeric value at beginning and no space allowed.
    Name Displays the list of service providers names that are present in JSON file.
  3. Click Import to import the selected file.
    The Confirmation screen displays.

    Figure 3-33 Confirmation - Import Service Consumer

  4. Click Confirm to import the service consumer.


    Below data needs to be changed after importing provider configuration file:
    • Implementation Host and Port
    • Implementation Authentication Password

View Service Consumer

  1. Click 3 dots button (operation menu) and click View.
    The View Service Consumer screen displays.

    Figure 3-34 View Service Consumer

    The user can click edit button to edit the Service Consumer.

Edit Service Consumer

  1. Click 3 dots button (operation menu) and click Edit.
    The Edit Service Consumer screen displays.

    Figure 3-35 Edit Service Consumer

  2. Click Save once the edit is done.
    The Confirmation screen displays.

    Figure 3-36 Confirmation - Edit Service Consumer

  3. Click Confirm to save the record.

Delete Service Consumer

  1. Click 3 dots button (operation menu) and click Delete.
    The Confirmation screen displays.

    Figure 3-37 Confirmation - Delete Service Consumer

  2. Click Confirm to delete the record.

Export Service Consumer in JSON

  1. Click 3 dots button (operation menu) and click Export. Select JSON.
    The Export Service Consumer screen displays.

    Figure 3-38 Export Service Consumer - JSON


    • The user has an option to select service providers from the list which needs to be exported or can click on select all for all service providers.
    • The JSON Export feature exports below data:
      • Selected service consumer
      • All consumer services
      • Selected service providers with services
      • Default implementation of selected service providers with services (without Host, Port and Authentication Password)
      • Default transformations
      • All default implementation routes
  2. Select the required service providers and click Export.
    The Confirmation screen appears.

    Figure 3-39 Confirmation - Export Service Consumer in JSON

  3. Click Confirm to export in JSON.

Export Service Consumer in SQL

  1. Click Export and select SQL.
    The Confirmation screen appears.


    The SQL Export feature exports entire configuration without Host, Port, and Authentication Password details.
  2. Click Confirm to export the Service Consumer in SQL.