6.2.1 Update Patch Properties File

This topic provides the systematic instructions to update the Properties file for Foundation setup.

  1. Launch WinSCP and login to Foundation VM with OS User (for example, ofssobp)
  2. Navigate to the path /scratch/obma_patch_installer/chef-repo/ and update the file "obma_patch_properties.rb" with following details.
  3. Update the local user and its group.
    #Standard Values
    INSTALL_USER = "ofssobp"
    INSTALL_GROUP = "dba"
    USER_ROOT = "root"
    GROUP_ROOT = "root"
    INSTALL_BASE_DIR = "/scratch"
    EXTRACT_LOC = "/scratch/extract"


    Here DO NOT update your NIS ID or root user.
  4. Verify and update “java home, certificate directory name and custom identity and trust jks”.
    #Java Path
    JAVA_HOME = "/scratch/obma/jdk-11.0.14"
    CERTS_HOME = "/scratch/ssl/cacerts"
    CUSTOM_IDENTITY_JKS = "ofss-mum-1315.snbomprshared1.gbucdsint02bom.oraclevcn.com_identity.jks"
    CUSTOM_TRUST_JKS = "ofss-mum-1315.snbomprshared1.gbucdsint02bom.oraclevcn.com_trust.jks"
  5. Verify and update “Weblogic Infra Details”.
    #Weblogic Infra Installation Details
    ORACLE_INVENTORY = "/scratch/app/oraInventory"
  6. Verify and update “Weblogic Domain Details”.
    #Weblogic Domain Installation Details
    WLS DOMAIN NAME = "PlatoInfra"
    DOMAIN_PATH = INSTALL_BASE_DIR + "/obma/domain"
    # DOMAIN_START_MODE = "prod"
    #ADMIN_SERVER_NAME = "AdminServer"
    NODEMGR_PORT = "5556"