

This guide helps to install the Oracle Banking Microservices Architecture services on designated environment. It is assumed that all the prior setup is already done related with WebLogic installation, WebLogic managed server creation and Oracle DB installation.


For the exact version to be installed, refer to Tech Stack section of Release Notes.

It is recommended to use dedicated managed server for each of the Oracle Banking Microservices Architecture services.


This guide is intended for WebLogic admin or ops-web team who are responsible for installing the OFSS banking products.

Related Resources

For more information on any related features, refer to the following documents:
  • Product Installation Guides

Acronyms and Abbreviations

The list of the acronyms and abbreviations that are used in this guide are as follows:

Table -1 Acronyms and Abbreviations

Abbreviation Description
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
JWT JSON Web Token
JWS JSON Web Signature
JWE JSON Web Encryption


This guide allows the user to install the following services in same order as follows:
  • WebLogic system environment settings
  • Plato Config Service
  • Plato Discovery Service
  • Plato API Gateway Service
  • Plato API Gateway Router Service
  • Plato UI Config Service
  • Plato O(Conductor)
  • Plato Orch Service
  • Plato Feed Services
  • Plato Batch Server
  • Plato Alerts Management Services
  • Security Configuration and Tool Installation
  • Plato Rules
  • Plato Reports Services