18.4 Asynchronous Dispatch Response API Specification

This topic provide information about the Asynchronous Dispatch Response API Specification.

Response endpoint signature -
  • Path: /route/dispatchResponse/{Correlation-Id}
    • Correlation-Id will be coming from the response of dispatch endpoint.
  • Headers:
    • appId : CMNCORE
    • entityId : DEFAULTENTITY
    • userId : <user id>
    • branchCode : <branch code>
    • Authorization : Bearer <Token>
  • Response Body:
     "data": {}
     "messages": {}
    • If the route invocation succeeds, data JSON member would contain the transformed (optional) response of the provided service. If it's a provided web service and no response transformation template is supplied, XML Soap Body of response would be converted into JSON object and sent in data JSON member.
    • If the route invocation fails due to misconfigured route or connection time out to ServiceProviderImpl or some other reason, relevant error messages would be sent in messages JSON member. In that case, data JSON member would be null or empty.

Example: Refer the below screenshots of route dispatch for Service-Consumer Oracle_Service_Consumer and Service-Consumer Service List_Facilities.

Figure 18-13 Response Payload when request is still processing

Figure 18-14 Response Payload when request is processed (on Successful Dispatch)

Figure 18-15 Response Payload when request is processed (on Failed Dispatch)