1.3 Prerequisites

  • The functional activity codes are created through flyway execution. Functional activity codes should be mapped to the respective data migration user role and user should be assigned to the respective user role. For more information on the function activity codes, refer to the Oracle Banking Party Configurations User Guide.
  • For data migration, two user actions are needed. One user is to upload the file, which will then read the file and store in on the object storage. Next is to initiate migration activity on the file uploaded.
  • The upload service will consume file-store and file-stream services. These services must be up and running in the production environment, without which file uploads will not go through, and object will not be persisted to the object store.
  • Performance parameters are set as a part of the pipeline variables. These needs to be configured strictly as part of the resource availability in each environment, without which pods might crash due to out of memory error. The default values are proposed for the environment with below configuration are as below:

    Table 1-2 Hardware Configuration

    Environment Hardware Availability Recommended Configuration
    Capacity Requirements: 16 Cores and 128 GB RAM CORE_POOL_SIZE: Number of threads allowed to run in parallel. Set to Available Memory / 3.
    DB Space Requirement: 2TB QUEUE_CAPACITY = 1
      MAX_POOL_SIZE = 256
      GRID_SIZE: Same value as CORE_POOL_SIZE