2.2 Insta Party Amendment

Insta Party Amendment feature allows user to amend party using a single screen.

To initiate the insta amendment process:
  1. On the Homepage, under Party Services, click Insta Party Management.
  2. Under Insta Party Management, click Amendment.
    The Amendment screen is displayed.

    Figure 2-21 Insta Party Amendment

  3. Enter CIF number or click Advance Search button to search for a CIF number. The following values are available for the advance CIF search:
    • Party ID
    • First Name
    • Middle Name
    • Last Name
    • Data of Birth
    • Unique ID
    • Mobile Number
    • Email
  4. Click Amend Now.
    The Insta Retail Amendment screen is displayed.

    Figure 2-22 Insta Retail Amendment

    Click and expand each data segment to provide required inputs for the party amendment.