6.11 Interest Rate File Upload

This topics describes the information to perform the bulk upload for the interest rate maintenance in common core.

File Type Supported - CSV

File Naming Convention - CmcIntRate<UniqueName>.csv


Replace the <UniqueName> for each file upload.


The fields marked as Required are mandatory.

Table 6-17 Interest Rate File Upload – Master Records

Sequence Field name Type Size Description
1 Rate Code* String 10 Denotes the rate code
2 Description* String 120 Denotes Rate description
3 Branch Code* String 3 Displays the branch code
4 Quote Basis for Loans* Number 1 Select the quote basis for loans from the drop down list
5 Propagate Rate to Branches* String 1 If this is checked then the rate code is propagated to all the other branches from head office branch
6 Type* String 1 Denotes the Rate Code is of Fixed or Floating in the usage perspective
7 Maker ID* String 12 Sender or maker of the external customer configuration create service.
8 Maker Date Stamp* DATE - Timestamp of the creation.
9 Checker ID* String 12 Approver/authorizer of the external customer configuration.
10 Checker Date Stamp* DATE - Timestamp of the approval.
11 Record Status* CHAR 1 External customer configuration status - active/open or inactive/closed
12 Authorisation Status* CHAR 1 Authorization status - authorized or unauthorized
13 Once Authorised* CHAR 1 Determines if the record has been authorized at least once.
14 Modification Number* Number 4 Modification Number.

Table 6-18 Interest Rate File Upload – Child Records 1

Sequence Field name Type Size Description
1 Rate Code* String 10 Denotes the rate code
2 Branch Code* String 3 Denotes the branch code
3 Currency Code* String 3 Denotes the Currency Code
4 Amount Slab* Number 22,3 Denotes the Amount Slab
5 Effective Date* DATE - Denotes the Effective Date
6 Borrow Lend Indicator* CHAR 1 Denotes Borrow Lend Indicator

Table 6-19 Interest Rate File Upload – Child Records 2

Sequence Field name Type Size Description
1 Rate Code* String 10 Denotes the rate code
2 Branch Code* String 3 Displays the branch code
3 Currency Code* String 3 Denotes the Currency Code
4 Amount Slab* Number 22,3 Denotes the Amount Slab
5 Effective Date* DATE - Denotes the Effective Date
6 Borrow Lend Indicator* CHAR 1 Denotes Borrow Lend Indicator
7 Tenor To* Number 5 Denotes Tenor To
8 Units* String 1 Denotes Tenor Units
9 Interest Rate* Number 13,8 Denotes the Interest Rate