3 Oracle Financial Services Accounting Foundation Cloud Service

The following table lists the third party software tools used in the application.

Table 3-1 Third Party Software Tools

Products Licensing Description

Oracle Financial Services Accounting Foundation Cloud Service includes the following products:

  • Oracle Financial Services Accounting Foundation Cloud Service
  • Third party software tools used in the application:
    • Commons Lang (3.11)
    • CKEditor (4.17.x)
    • jQuery (3.5.1)
    • Log4J (2.17.1)
    • kafka client (2.8.0)
    • spring-kafka (2.7.7)
    • Mousetrap (1.6.5)
    • Hazelcast (4.0.3)
    • moment-timezone (0.5.26)
    • Liquibase (3.10.3)
    • Enterprise Security API (ESAPI) (
    • Commons Codec (1.15)
    • Commons Beanutils (1.9.4)
    • FreeMarker (2.3.31)
    • Font Awesome (5.11.2)
    • jackson-databind (2.13.0)
    • JSON (2.6.0)
    • knockout-postbox (0.6.0)
    • HikariCP (4.0.3)
    • HttpCore (4.4.14)
    • HttpComponents HttpClient (4.5.13)
    • spring-boot-starter-security (2.5.6)
    • Quartz Job Scheduler (2.3.2)
    • LMAX Disruptor (3.4.4)
    • spring-boot-starter-jetty (2.5.6)
    • spring-boot-starter-web (2.5.6)
    • spring-boot-starter-security (2.5.6)
    • JSON (20200518)
    • jsonpath (2.6.0)
    • jetty (9.4.44.v20210927)
    • Helidon (2.4.1)
    • kubernetes-client (5.8.0)
    • Liquibase (4.4.3)
    • Apache poi (5.1.0)
    • Oracle JET (11.1.1)
    • D3 (6.5.0)