12.6.1 Business Hierarchy Summary

The Business Hierarchy Summary displays the list of pre-defined business hierarchies with their code, name (short description), description, hierarchy type, entity, associated tags, and the actions menu (view, edit, copy, or delete). You can create business hierarchies for measure(s), and view, edit, copy, or delete the required business hierarchies.

For more information on the business hierarchy types and sub-types, see Business Hierarchy Summary Window.


When an AMHM Hierarchy is created, implicitly a UAM Business Hierarchy also gets created and will be listed in the Summary window of Business Hierarchy. The Code of Implicitly populated UAM Hierarchy is system generated with a length of 11 characters and is prefixed with AMHM.

You can search for a specific business hierarchy based on the code, name, hierarchy type, tag, authorization status (pending for approval), and folders.

Note that the Pending for Approval Authorization status is available to you only if you are mapped to the BMM Hierarchy Authorize Role.