16.4.1 Create or Log an Issue

To create a DQ Rule or DQ Group, you must first create an issue. To create an Issue, complete the following steps:
  1. On the Home page, click the Inbox button.
    The Inbox page is displayed.
  2. On the Inbox page, click Log Issue.
    The Create Issue page is displayed.
  3. Provide the following information.

    Table 16-3 Issues Field Names and Description

    Field Name Description
    Name Type a unique name for the issue.
    Description Type a description for the issue.

    Select the category as Data Accuracy.


    Set the criticality level for the issue as:

    • Low
    • Medium
    • High
    Target Date Select the date till when you need this issue to be active.
    Execution Date Select the date for executing this issue.

    Select a source as Catalog for the issue.

    Catalog: To create the Business Term that comprises of elements supporting the business needs of the financial industry.

    Owner Select the required owner for the issue.
    Comments Add comments for the issue, if required.
    Attach Documents Use this field to upload any document that is useful to elaborate on this issue. The file format can be of type: .xls, .pdf, .txt or .doc.
  4. Click Save.
    The new issue is listed on the Inbox page with the status as New along with its details.