Access the OFSAA Application

To access the OFSAA application, follow these steps:
  1. Open a browser and enter the URL in the following format:
    <scheme>://<IP address/ hostname>:<port>/<context-name>/login.jsp
    For example,
    The OFSAA Login window is displayed.
    With the installation of every OFSAA Application Pack, there are two seeded user profiles configured in the system:
    • SYSADMN System Administrator
    • SYSAUTH System Authorizer

    The SYSADMN and SYSAUTH users are configured with a default password, which you will require to login for the first time. See the MOS Doc ID 2691681.1 for the password.

  2. Log in to the application using the "SYSADMN" User ID and the default password. After the first login, you are prompted to change the password.


    The password change is required only for a new installation scenario and not for upgrade scenarios.