Configure the excludeURLList.cfg File

To configure the excludeURLList.cfg file, follow these steps:
  1. Go to $FIC_WEB_HOME/webroot/conf.
  2. Create a backup of the file excludeURLList.cfg.
  3. Edit the following details in excludeURLList.cfg file:
    • [SQLIA]./dataIntegrator/ to [ALL]./dataIntegrator/
    • [SQLIA]./ETLExtractionServlet to [ALL]./ETLExtractionServlet
  4. Go to $FIC_WEB_HOME.
  5. Backup the existing ear/war files.
  6. Delete <app>.ear and <app>.war files.
  7. Re-create the ear/war files by running
  8. Use the new ear/war files and re-deploy them.
  9. Re-start the OFSAA environment.