Configure Message Details in Forms Designer

You can configure the Message Details in Forms Designer under Data Entry Forms and Queries module by updating the details of the mail server in the NotificationConfig.cfg file that resides in the path $FIC_APP_HOME/common/FICServer/conf.

Ensure that the "authorized User details" for whom you must configure the Message details are included in Administration > Security Management > User Administrator > User Maintenance window.

Update the following parameters in the "NotificationConfig.cfg" file:

Table 14-1 NotificationConfig.cfg File Attributes

Parameter Description
SMTP_SERVER_IP Specify the hostname or IP address of the SMTP Server.
SMTP_DEBUG_MODE To run SMTP service in Debug mode, set value to 'true', otherwise set value to 'false'.
SMTP_AUTHORIZATION Set to 'true' if the SMTP server requires the client to be authenticated, otherwise set to 'false'.
SMTP_USERNAME Username required for logging into the SMTP server, if authentication is not required use a dummy value.
SMTP_PASSWORD Password required for logging into the SMTP server. If authentication is not required, use false value.
SMTP_MAILID If the Messages must go from a Particular ID that ID must be added. The exchange server forces you to set a valid ID that is there in the exchange server. (Based on Security settings)