Copy KEYTAB and KRB5 Files in OFSAAI

A Keytab is a file containing pairs of Kerberos principals and encrypted keys (these are derived from the Kerberos password). The krb5.conf file contains Kerberos configuration information, including the locations of KDCs and admin servers for the Kerberos realms of interest, defaults for the current realm, and Kerberos applications, and mappings of hostnames onto Kerberos realms.

If the Authentication is configured as KERBEROS_WITH_KEYTAB for the Hive database, then you must use the Keytab file to login to Kerberos. The Keytab and Kerberos files must be copied to $FIC_HOME/conf and $FIC_WEB_ HOME/webroot/conf of the OFSAAAI installation directory.

Generate the application EAR/WAR file and redeploy the application onto your configured web application server.

Restart the Web application server and the OFSAAAI Application Server. For more information, see the Start the Infrastructure Services section.