Create the Installation, Download, and Metadata Repository Directories

To install, create the following directories:

  • OFSAA Download Directory (Optional): This is the directory where the downloaded installer/ patches can be copied. Create a download directory and copy the OFSAA Application Pack Installer File (archive). Assign 755 permission to this directory.
  • Temporary Directory: Default temporary directory where the installation files are stored for a short time to support faster installation. Configure adequate space on the /tmp directory. It is recommended that you allocate more than 10 GB of space. Assign 755 permission to this directory with NOEXEC option disabled.


    If NOEXEC option is enabled, the extraction of files by the installer into the /tmp directory is prevented and the binaries will not execute in the directory, which will fail the installation.
  • OFSAA Installation Directory (Mandatory): Create an installation directory where the product binaries are installed. Set the variable FIC_HOME in the .profile file to point to the OFSAA Installation Directory. Assign 755 user permission to the installation directory.
  • OFSAA Staging/Metadata Directory (Mandatory): A directory to hold the application metadata artifacts and additionally act as the staging area for the flat files. This directory is also referred to as "FTPSHARE". Create a Staging/Metadata Repository Directory to copy data files, save data extracts, and so on.

    The directory must exist on the same system as the OFSAA Installation. This directory can be configured on a different mount or under a different user profile. However, the owner of the installation directory must have RWX (775) permissions to this directory.


    Ensure the OFSAA staging directory is not set to the same path as the OFSAA installation directory and is not a subdirectory inside the OFSAA installation directory.