Define JDBC Connection Pooling

To define the JDBC connection pooling, follow these steps:
  1. Copy the $ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/ojdbc<version>.jar file to the path $TOMCAT_ DIRECTORY/lib/ directory.
    See Hardware and Software Requirements to identify the correct ojdbc<version>.jar file version to be copied.
  2. Edit the server.xml file present under the $TOMCAT_DIRECTORY/conf/ directory with the following changes, which is required for connection pooling.

    <Context path="/ $CONTEXTNAME$" docBase=" $APP_DEPLOYED_PATH$ " debug="0" reloadable="true" crossContext="true">

    <Resource auth="Container" name="jdbc/ $INFODOM_NAME$" type="javax.sql.DataSource"

    driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" username=" $ATOMICSCHEMA_USERNAME$" password="$ATOMICSCHEMA_PASSWORD$" url="$JDBC_CONNECTION_URL"

    maxTotal="300" maxIdle="30" maxWaitMillis="10000" removeAbandonedOnBorrow="true" removeAbandonedTimeout="60" logAbandoned="true"/>



    • $APP_DEPLOYED_PATH$ must be replaced by the OFSAAI application deployed path.
    • $INFODOM_NAME$ must be replaced by Infodom Name.
    • $ATOMICSCHEMA_USERNAME$ must be replaced by an Atomic schema database user name.
    • $ATOMICSCHEMA_PASSWORD$ must be replaced by an Atomic schema database password.
    • $JDBC_CONNECTION_URL must be replaced by JDBC connection string


      For example,

      • jdbc:oracle:thin
The User-IDs for configuration/ atomic schemas have the prefix of setupinfo depending on the value set for PREFIX_SCHEMA_NAME in the <<APP Pack>>_ SCHEMA_IN.XML file of Schema Creator Utility.

For example: if the value set for PREFIX_SCHEMA_NAME is DEV and the schema name is mentioned as ofsaaconf, then the actual schema created in the database is DEV_ofsaaconf.