Execute the Update Constraints Utility

Execute the Update Constraints Utility to make the constraints consistent before running the JSON Utility again after it fails.


This Utility applies only in an Upgrade Scenario.
To execute the Update Constraints Utility, follow these steps:
  1. Update the aai_mu_util_update_cons.v_flag_value to N for the Problematic Infodom in the Config Schema.
  2. Drop the following Tables (if they exist) from the Atomic Schema. These Tables were created previously by the Update Constraints Utility.
    • rev_tab_constraints_u
    • rev_tab_ref_constraints_u
    • rev_tab_constraint_columns_u
  3. Create a backup of the existing db.xml file.
  4. Insert a dummy record into the aai_table_uid_map Table with n_table_id as maxvalue + 1.
  5. Create a backup of the aai_table_uid_map Table and truncate the data except for the dummy record.
  6. Execute execute .sh for the specific Infodom as follows:
    cd $FIC_HOME/utility/UpdateConstraints/bin
    ./execute.sh <infodom_name>
  7. Verify the log files generated in the $FIC_HOME/utility/UpdateConstraints/logs directory.