Install Oracle R distribution and Oracle R Enterprise (ORE)

This is an optional step and required only if you intend to use Oracle R scripting in the Oracle Financial Services Enterprise Modeling Application.

Install Oracle R Distribution and Oracle R Enterprise (Server Components) on the Oracle Database server. See the Oracle R Enterprise Installation and Administration Guide for Linux and Solaris in the Oracle R Enterprise Documentation Library. For supported versions of ORD and ORE, see the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Technology Matrix.


If you use ORE 1.4.1 with Oracle Financial Services Enterprise Modeling, you must set the session time zone in R_HOME/etc/ file on the database server, where R_HOME is the home directory of the R instance on which ORE server packages are installed. Alternatively, you can set the session time zone in scripts registered within OFS EM by using the Sys.env(TZ=<time zone>) R function.