Installation and Upgrade Scenarios

Release of OFSAAI supports various installation and upgrade scenarios. A high-level overview of the possible scenarios is provided in the following table. Detailed procedural steps are provided in the succeeding sections of this document.

Table 3-1 Release Installation and Upgrade Scenarios

Scenario Installation and Upgrade Instructions

New Installation

Installing Release application pack for the first time (new installation).

  1. Prepare for the Installation.
  2. Execute the Schema Creator Utility.
  3. Install the OFSAAI Application Pack.

Upgrade Installation

Upgrade an already installed application pack from v8. or later

Example: You are using release v8. and now want to upgrade to Release

  1. Run the Environment Check Utility tool and ensure that the hardware and software requirements are installed as per the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Technology Matrix.
  2. Prepare for Upgrade.
  3. Download the installer.
  4. Extract the software.
  5. Trigger the installation.

Upgrade OFS AAAI from Linux 7 to Linux 8

If your OFS AAAI instance is on Linux 7 Operating System and you want to install OFS AAAI on Linux 8.

  1. Clone your existing environment to the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Technology Matrix.
  2. Run the upgrade installer in the cloned environment.
Upgrade from OFS AAAI Release v8.0.x on AIX or Solaris x86 Operating System Release v8. of OFS AAAI is not certified for IBM AIX and Oracle Solaris x86 Operating Systems. If you are currently running OFSAA v8.0.x on AIX or Solaris x86 Operating Systems and plan to upgrade to Release v8., then you must migrate from AIX or Solaris x86 to Oracle Linux or Oracle Solaris SPARC. See the My Oracle Support Doc ID 2700084.1 for details.