Map Work Manager to OFSAA WebSphere Instance

To map the Work Manager to an OFSAA WebSphere Instance, follow these steps:
  1. From the LHS menu, expand Applications > Application Types and click WebSphere enterprise applications.

    Figure 12-7 Enterprise Applications

    This illustration displays the Enterprise Applications page. Click OFS AAI instance hyperlink to open the OFS AAI configuration section.

  2. Click OFSAAI instance hyperlink.

    Figure 12-8 OFSAAI

    Click the Resource references link under the References section.

  3. Click the Resource references link under the References section.

    Figure 12-9 Resource References

    Click Browse corresponding to the Work Manager Resource Reference. The available resources are displayed.

  4. Click Browse corresponding to the Work Manager Resource Reference. The available resources are displayed.

    Figure 12-10 Available Resources

    Select the newly created Work Manager ('wm') and click Apply.

  5. Select the newly created Work Manager ('wm') and click Apply.

    Figure 12-11 Select Work Manager

    Select the Work Manager ('wm/WorkManager') and click OK.

  6. Select the Work Manager ('wm/WorkManager') and click OK.

    Figure 12-12 OFSAAI Configuration

    This illustration displays the OFS AAI Configuration, after selecting the Work Manager ('wm/WorkManager') click OK and Save.

  7. Click Save.

    Figure 12-13 Enterprise Applications Preferences

    This illustration displays the Enterprise Applications Preferences.