Modify OFSAA Infrastructure Atomic Schema Password in a Non Wallet-Based Setup

To change the Atomic Schema Password, perform the following steps:
  1. Change the Atomic schema User Password in the database.
  2. Log in to the application from the browser using the SYSADMN account or any user id, which has a System Administrator role mapped.
  3. Navigate to System Configuration > Database Details window. Modify the password as explained in the following steps:
    1. From the Database Master window, select the connection whose password you want to modify and click the button from the toolbar.
    2. Click the button corresponding to the Alias Name. The Alias Details window is displayed.
    3. Modify the password in the Auth String field.
    Alternatively, the steps 1, 2, and 3 can be done using the Utility with the Servers down.
  4. Shutdown the OFSAAI App service:
    cd $FIC_APP_HOME/common/FICServer/bin
  5. Change the Atomic Schema User Password in the database.
  6. Navigate to the $FIC_HOME/utility/updateatomicpwd/bin Directory and execute the Utility as shown in the following:
    For example,
    ./ acteofsaaatm acte_ofsaaatm password123
    A new Encrypted Schema Password is reflected in the DB_MASTER and AAI_DB_AUTH_ALIAS Tables in the row which displays the Atomic Schema.


    ATOMICALIASNAME value is a TNS alias for Atomic Schema and must not contain underscores.

    For example, if the Atomic Schema Name is PROD_OFSAAATM, then the value for ATOMICALIASNAME must be entered as PRODOFSAAATM.

After you have completed either of the methods mentioned above, proceed with the following steps:
  1. Restart the Infrastructure Server.
  2. If you are using Apache Tomcat as the Web server, update the <Context> -> Resource tag details in the Server.xml file from the $CATALINA_HOME/conf directory. For Tomcat, both Config Schema (FICMASTER resource) and Atomic Schema (<INFODOM_NAME> resource) exist.

    If you are using WebSphere as Web server:

    1. Log in to the WebSphere Administration Console, from the left side menu.
    2. Navigate to Resources >JDBC >Data Sources. A list of data sources are populated on the right side.
    3. Select the appropriate Data Source and edit the connection details. (In this case, both Config and Atomic data sources must be modified).

    If you are using WebLogic as Web server:

    1. Log in to the WebLogic Administration Console, from the left side menu
    2. Under Domain Structure list box, expand the appropriate Domain and navigate to Services > JDBC >Data Sources. A list of data sources are populated on the right side.
    3. Select the appropriate Data Source and edit the connection details. (In this case, both Config and Atomic data sources must be modified).
  3. Restart the OFSAAI services.