Set OLAP Data Server Configuration

This section is applicable if you are using the OLAP feature of OFSAAI.

The following parameters must be set to ensure that the system limitations are not exceeded at any stage. The values for these OS parameters must be specified based on the expected load at each implementation site.

For example:

  • Process Memory: Limit Max Thread Stack Size
  • Max Number of Threads per Process
  • Sort Buffer settings: This must be set at the Essbase application level appropriate to the anticipated load.
  • Shutdown and Restart: During the shutdown of the OFSAAI Server that has an instance of Data Services that is communicating with an OLAP Data Server, it is imperative to ensure that the cleanup of the old instance is completed on the OLAP Data Server before restarting the OFSAAI Server. Pause for a period based on the load the system is subjected to, before restarting the Data Services subsystem.