Start the Infrastructure Services

Start the infrastructure servers after the installation and the post-installation steps are completed. Log on to each machine and execute the .profile file. Start all the servers mentioned from the same shell encoding.


The servers mentioned in this section are dependent on each other. It is mandatory to maintain the order in which the servers are started. Allow each of the servers to initialize completely before starting the next server.
  1. On the machine where the Infrastructure Application components are installed, navigate to the $FIC_APP_HOME/common/FICServer/bin directory, and execute the following command to start the Infrastructure Server:



    1. You can also start the Infrastructure Server by executing the command "nohup ./ &". Starting the process using "nohup" and "&" returns the command prompt without having to wait until the process completes. However, this command cannot be used when you are starting the server for the first time or starting after changing the user password in the configuration database schema.
    2. When you start the server, the following error is displayed:

      /ftpshare/<INFODOM>/erwin/fipxml/<INFODOM>_DATABASE.XML (No such file or directory)

      Ignore this error.

  2. Start the ICC server.

    On the machine where the Infrastructure Default Application components are installed, navigate to the $FIC_HOME/ficapp/icc/bin directory, and execute the following command to start the "ICC server":



    Only the Infrastructure Default Application Server holds the ICC component.
  3. Start the Backend Services using one of the following options:
    • On the machine where Infrastructure Database components are installed, navigate to the $FIC_DB_HOME/bin directory, and execute the following command to start the "Agent server":


    • Using nohup execute the following command:

      nohup ./ &


This agent internally starts the Router, Message Server, OLAP Data Server, and AM Services.