Web Application Server Settings

Ensure that the web application server is installed and the profile (when using WebSphere) or domain (when using WebLogic) is created.

Note the path values as shown in the following table as you will be prompted to enter the WebSphere Profile path, the WebLogic Domain path, or the Tomcat Deployment path during OFSAAI installation.

Table 5-1 Web Application Server Settings

Description Example Value
For WebSphere, specify the WebSphere path as <WebSphere profile directory>/installedApps/<NodeCellName>. /data2/test//WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/<Profile_Name>/installedApps/aiximfNode01Cell, where aix-imf is the Host name.
For WebLogic, specify the WebLogic home directory path. /<WebLogic home directory path>/bea/wlserver_10.3
For Tomcat, specify the Tomcat directory path till /webapps.

/oradata6/ revwb7/tomcat/webapps/


See Configure the Web Server for WebSphere Profile and WebLogic Domain creation.