8.6.6 Market Value

  1. Market Value Summary in Base Currency
  2. Market Value Summary in Consolidated Currency
  3. Market Value of Equity in Base Currency
  4. Market Value of Equity in Consolidated Currency
  5. Net Duration Summary in Base Currency
  6. Net Duration Summary in Consolidated Currency
  7. 57. Net Duration of Equity in Base Currency
  8. Net Duration of Equity in Consolidated Currency
  9. Market Value Detail in Base Currency
  10. Market Value Detail in Consolidated Currency
  11. Market Value Detail by Scenario in Base Currency
  12. Market Value Detail by Scenario in Consolidated Currency
  13. Duration Detail in Base Currency
  14. Duration Detail in Consolidated Currency
  15. Duration Detail by Scenario in Base Currency
  16. Duration Detail by Scenario in Consolidated Currency
  17. Market Value Detail in Base Currency
  18. Market Value Detail in Consolidated Currency
  19. Ranked Market Value in Base Currency
  20. Ranked Market Value in Consolidated Currency
  21. Ranked Duration in Base Currency
  22. Ranked Duration in Consolidated Currency