14.3 Adding a New Infodom to ALMBI Reporting

  1. Log in to ALM BI Application.
  2. Navigate to Dashboards and select Dynamic Infodom.
  3. Click Page Options and click Edit Dashboard on the top right corner of the Dashboard as shown below:
  4. Under Section 1, click Edit to edit the Prompt for Sources.
  5. Click Edit on Prompt For Sources window.
  6. Edit DATABASE prompt label as required and click OK.
  7. Enter new Infodom as INFODOM3 by clicking + and OK the prompt.
  8. Click from Prompt For Sources window.
  9. Navigate to Shared Folders and select Change Database Connection.
  10. Select and Edit the Prompt For Sources_TNS.
  11. Select the TNS and Click Edit.
  12. Click on expand Options. Edit the SQL Statement to include the new Infodom TNS Entry details as follows:
    Select case when '@{DBNAME}' = 'INFODOM1' THEN '<TNS ENTRY1>' else case when '@{DBNAME}' ='INFODOM2' THEN
    '<TNS ENTRY2>' end end from "ALM BI"
    Select case when '@{DBNAME}' = 'INFODOM1' THEN '<TNS ENTRY1>' else case when '@{DBNAME}' ='INFODOM2' THEN
    '<TNS ENTRY2>' else case when '@{DBNAME}' ='INFODOM3' THEN '<TNS ENTRY3>' end end end from "ALM BI"

    Figure 14-1 Edit Prompt

    This image displays the Edit Prompt.

  13. Click OK and save the prompt.