11.4 Checking the Execution Status

The status of execution can be monitored using the Batch Monitor window of the OFSAAI Operations module.

The status messages in Batch Monitor are:

  • N: Not Started
  • O: On Going
  • F: Failure
  • S: Success

The Event Log window in the Batch Monitor provides logs for execution with the top row being the most recent. If there is any error during execution, it will get listed here. Even if you see Successful as the status in Batch Monitor, it is advisable to go through the Event Log and re-check if there are any errors.

Alternatively, the execution log can be accessed on the Application Server in the following directory $FIC_DB_HOME/log/date. The file name will have the Batch Execution ID.

The database-level operations log can be accessed by querying the FSI_MESSAGE_LOG table. The Batch Run ID column can be filtered for identifying the relevant log. (This is the same log you see in the Event Log window).