8.7.10 Forecast Balance Sheet Summary in Consolidated Currency

Table 8-5 Forecast Balance Sheet Summary in Consolidated Currency

Report Name Forecast Balance Sheet Summary in Base Currency Forecast Balance Sheet Summary in Cons Currency
Description Balance Sheet Forecast Report. Provides views of both Ending and Average Balance, across time buckets.
Dashboards Prompts

Prompt – Income Scenario2

  • Process
  • Bench Scenario

Prompt - Income Scenario3

  • Date
  • Currency
  • Result Type

Prompt Financial Results 03

  • Bucket End Date
Report Criteria

Product < formula > case WHEN Product."Account Type" IN (100.00,

200.00) then 'Total Assets' WHEN Product."Account Type" IN (300,

400.00, 500.00) then 'Total Liabilities & Equity' end

Product.Product Name Level 19

Standard Cash Flow Results.Average Balance (140)

Standard Cash Flow Results.Ending Balance (100)

Time Buckets.Start Date

Time Buckets.End Date

Currency.Base Currency

Conditions Product.Account Type IN (100,200,300,400,500)
Compound Layout


View Selector

Pivot Table - Average and Ending Balance

Pivot Table2 - Average Balance

Pivot Table3 - Ending Balance