8.7.96 Ledger to Instrument Reconciliation Report

Table 8-91 Ledger to Instrument Reconciliation Report

Report Name Ledger to Instrument Reconciliation Report
Description This report shows the instrument and ledger data.
Dashboards Prompts

Prompt - AsofDateLR

  • As of Date

Prompt - OrgUnit

  • Organizational Unit

Prompt - Instrument to Ledger Balance

  • Instrument Balance

Prompt - Currency

  • Currency
Report Criteria

"Product"."Product Name Level19", "Product"."Account Type", "Product"."Product Leaf Name", ifnull(CASE WHEN "Product"."Account Type" IN (100,200) THEN (ifnull (CASE WHEN '@{LBal}{Ending}' ='Ending' THEN FILTER("Ledget Stat"."Value" USING ("Ledget Stat"."Financial Elem Id" = 100)) ELSE FILTER("Ledget Stat"."Value" USING ("Ledget Stat"."Financial Elem Id" = 140)) END,0) - ifnull (CASE WHEN '@{LBal}{Ending}'='Ending' THEN "Account Summary"."Eop Book Bal" ELSE "Account Summary"."Avg Book Bal" END,0) ) WHEN "Product"."Account Type" IN (300,400) THEN (ifnull (CASE WHEN '@{LBal}{Ending}' ='Ending' THEN FILTER("Ledget Stat"."Value" USING ("Ledget Stat"."Financial Elem Id" = 100)) ELSE FILTER("Ledget Stat"."Value" USING ("Ledget Stat"."Financial Elem Id" = 140)) END,0)- ifnull (CASE WHEN '@{LBal}{Ending}'='Ending' THEN "Account Summary"."Eop Book Bal" ELSE "Account Summary"."Avg Book Bal" END,0)) END,0)/1000000,

ifnull(ABS(((CASE WHEN "Product"."Account Type" IN (100,200) THEN ( ifnull ( CASE WHEN '@{LBal}{Ending}' ='Ending' THEN FILTER("Ledget Stat"."Value" USING ("Ledget Stat"."Financial Elem Id" = 100)) ELSE FILTER("Ledget Stat"."Value" USING ("Ledget Stat"."Financial Elem Id" = 140)) END,0) - ifnull ( CASE WHEN '@{LBal}{Ending}'='Ending' THEN "Account Summary"."Eop Book Bal" ELSE "Account Summary"."Avg Book Bal" END,0) )WHEN "Product"."Account Type" IN (300,400) THEN (ifnull ( CASE WHEN '@{LBal}{Ending}' ='Ending' THEN FILTER("Ledget Stat"."Value" USING ("Ledget Stat"."Financial Elem Id" = 100)) ELSE FILTER("Ledget Stat"."Value" USING ("Ledget Stat"."Financial Elem Id" = 140)) END,0) - ifnull ( CASE WHEN '@{LBal}{Ending}'='Ending' THEN "Account Summary"."Eop Book Bal" ELSE "Account Summary"."Avg Book Bal" END,0))END)/ifnull (CASE WHEN '@{LBal}{Ending}' ='Ending' THEN FILTER("Ledget Stat"."Value" USING ("Ledget Stat"."Financial Elem Id" = 100)) ELSE FILTER("Ledget Stat"."Value" USING ("Ledget Stat"."Financial Elem Id" = 140)) END,0))*100),0), ifnull(case when '@{LBal}{Ending}'='Ending' then

FILTER("Ledget Stat"."Value" USING ("Ledget Stat"."Financial Elem Id" = 100)) else FILTER("Ledget Stat"."Value" USING ("Ledget Stat"."Financial Elem Id" = 140)) end,0)/1000000, ifnull(case when '@{LBal}{Ending}'='Ending' then "Account Summary"."Eop Book Bal" else "Account Summary"."Avg Book Bal" end,0)/1000000, ifnull(case when '@{LBal}{Ending}'='Ending' then "Account Summary"."Eop Book Bal" else "Account Summary"."Avg Book Bal" end,0)/1000000, "Currency"."Currency Cd"

then "Account Summary"."Eop Book Bal" else "Account Summary"."Avg Book Bal" end,0) ) when "Product"."Account Type"=300 then (ifnull(case when '@{LBal}{Ending}'='Ending' then "Account Summary"."Eop Book Bal" else "Account Summary"."Avg Book Bal" end,0)-ifnull(case when '@{LBal}{Ending}'='Ending' then FILTER("Ledget Stat"."Value" USING ("Ledget Stat"."Financial Elem Id" = 100)) else FILTER("Ledget Stat"."Value" USING ("Ledget Stat"."Financial Elem Id" = 140)) end,0)) end)/ifnull(case when '@{LBal}{Ending}'='Ending' then FILTER("Ledget Stat"."Value" USING ("Ledget Stat"."Financial Elem Id" = 100)) else FILTER("Ledget Stat"."Value" USING ("Ledget Stat"."Financial Elem Id" = 140)) end,0))*100,0),ifnull(case when '@{LBal}{Ending}'='Ending' then FILTER("Ledget Stat"."Value" USING ("Ledget Stat"."Financial Elem Id" = 100)) else FILTER("Ledget Stat"."Value" USING ("Ledget Stat"."Financial Elem Id" = 140)) end,0),ifnull(case when '@{LBal}{Ending}'='Ending' then "Account Summary"."Eop Book Bal" else "Account Summary"."Avg Book Bal" end,0),"Currency"."Currency Cd"

Conditions "Product"."Account Type" IN (100, 300)
Compound Layout


Pivot Table