6.1.1 Overview of Account Summary Population

Upon installation of the ALM BI Application, you will see multiple T2T process definitions for each Instrument table. Each T2T Process Maps Instrument table data to the three Account Summary tables mentioned above. The T2T process definitions are primarily direct column to column mappings from Instrument to Fact table and in certain cases might have expressions that apply SQL functions or do arithmetic operations on instrument columns before moving them to the Fact table.

The Database functions are used for conversion if there is a data type difference between the mapped columns of an Instrument table. For example:


Or an arithmetic operation if a currency conversion is required for a balance column.

For example:



Additionally, a Surrogate Key is populated in Fact (BI) table dimension columns by doing SQL joins between the Instrument tables and Dimension tables, based on the relevant ID column and populating the surrogate key from the Dimension Table for each Instrument Dimension ID value.

While moving data using the T2T Processes, the account number linkage between Staging, Instrument, and Fact table records is preserved since the movement happens at an account level. Additionally, the unique Account Number links the data flowing into Fact tables from both EPM Instrument tables and ERM Account Level tables.