16.1 Overview

FE 440 is translated using the Exchange rate at Origination for following Financial Dashboard and select Report:
  • Forecast Income and Balance Summary and select Forecast Income Statement in Consolidated Currency
  • Forecast Income and Balance Detailand and select Income Statement Detail in Consolidated Currency
  • Forecast Income Statement Detail Product and select Forecast Income Statement Detail Product-wise in Consolidated Currency
  • Income and select Scenario Report, and then select Net Interest Income Across Scenarios in Consolidated Currency
If you want to use FE 441, translated using the Current Bucket Exchange rate instead of FE 440, then replace N_INT_ACCRD_NET (FE 441) in place of N_INT_ACCRD (FE 440) in ALM BI RPD layer.
To replace N_INT_ACCRD with N_INT_ACCRD_NET, follow below steps:
  1. Take back up of RPD.
  2. Open RPD in Online mode.
  3. Go to the BMM Layer.
  4. In ALM BI, expand the Cash Flow Results report.
  5. Double-click on Interest Income column.
  6. Go to the Column Source tab.
  7. Select CF Res Cons and click Edit.
  8. Click Edit Expression.
  9. Replace N_INT_ACCRD with N_INT_ACCRD_NET.
  10. Click OK to continue.
  11. Repeat the steps 6 - 10 for below columns:
    • Interest Expense
    • Off B/S Income
    • Interest Accrued (440)#1
    • Interest Accrued (440)#2
  12. Check-in the changes and save the RPD.
  13. Remove the RPD and Presentation Cache.
  14. Verify the reports.