4.3.2 Prerequisites

The following are the prerequisites:

  • The hierarchy flattening process has been run.
  • The setup tables accessed by the SCD component, including SETUP_MASTER, SYS_TBL_MASTER, and SYS_STG_JOIN_MASTER have the required entries.
  • Having entries in the table SETUP_MASTER is optional. By default, SCD maintains only a history of changes to all the members within a dimension, without the context of any hierarchy. If instead, you wish to maintain the history of changes for a specific hierarchy, the SETUP_MASTER table can be used for this purpose.
  • This is achieved by specifying the sys-id of the required hierarchies, in table SETUP_MASTER. This table is referenced during SCD execution and if a hierarchy ID is found, it would be included during the SCD process.
  • The column V_COMPONENT_DESC is used to identify the dimension-type and V_COMPONENT_VALUE for the hierarchy sys-ID.
  • The permissible values for the V_COMPONENT_DESC are listed in the following table:

    Table 4-4 Permissible values for the V_COMPONENT_DESC

    PRODUCT_HIER1 Signifies the PRODUCT dimension
    ORG_UNIT_HIER11 Signifies the ORG UNIT dimension
    GL_ACCOUNT_HIER1 Signifies the GL ACCOUNT dimension
    COMMON_COA_HIER1 Signifies the COMMON COA dimension
  • Separate rows in this table are seeded for different hierarchy sys-ID's, one-row corresponding to each of the four dimensions, that is PRODUCT, ORG UNIT, COMMON COA, and GL ACCOUNT. Add entries in this table only if you add a user-defined dimension.
  • The tables SYS_TBL_MASTER and SYS_STG_JOIN_MASTER are seeded for the Org unit, GL Account, Product, and Common COA dimensions. Add entries in these tables only if you add user-defined dimensions.
  • Database Views with the name DIM_<Dimension Name>_V are seeded along with the seeded dimensions during the ALMBI installation. These views present data from the dimension tables as well as the flattened hierarchy data. For example, DIM_PRODUCT_V in usable format. New views should be included for any new dimensions defined.