Rows for each of the four key dimensions PRODUCT, ORG UNIT, COMMON COA, and GL ACCOUNT will be seeded into this table during the ALMBI Installation.

The table structure is as follows:

  • V_COMPONENT_CODE: This column acts as a primary key.
  • V_COMPONENT_DESC: This column contains a standard value used within the database view for a flattened hierarchy.
  • V_COMPONENT_VALUE: This column contains the unique hierarchy identifier for the reporting hierarchies to be used in ALMBI.

Hierarchy unique identifiers can be obtained by executing the following query.

Select b.object_definition_id, short_desc,long_desc from fsi_m_object_definition_b b inner join fsi_m_object_definition_tlt on b.object_definition_id = t.object_definition_id and b.id_type = 5 and b.leaf_num_id = <dimension_id>; <dimension_id>

represents the dimension number to which a particular hierarchy belongs.

Alternatively, the unique system identifier for each hierarchy can be found at the bottom of the Hierarchy Management page while in EDIT mode.

The following rows are seeded into the SETUP_MASTER table, exactly as follows, with the exception of V_COMPONENT_VALUE. This value should reflect the unique system identifier of the Reporting Hierarchy for each dimension.

Table 4-5 SETUP_MASTER Table

22 PRODUCT_HIER1 1000018711
88 ORG_UNIT_HIER1 100573
90 GL_ ACCOUNT_HIER1 100574
91 COMMON_COA_HIER1 100575