Transfer Pricing Margin Super Report

Table 8-100 Transfer Pricing Margin Super Report

Report Name TP Margin Super Report
Description The TP Margin Super Report provides users access to all relevant FTP dimensions and measures. This report displays results aggregated by the selected dimension and also provides drill to detail capability.
Dashboards Prompts

Prompt -As of Date

  • As of Date

Prompt -Product

  • Product Name

Prompt - Org Unit

  • Org Unit

Prompt -Entity

  • Legal Entity

-Prompt -TP Rate Type

  • Rate or Charge Credit Amount

Prompt -Currency

  • Currency Name

Prompt - Product Type

  • Product Type

Prompt - MLS Code

  • MLS - Code
Report Criteria

"Dim Product"."Product Name Level19",

"Dim Product"."Product Name",

"Dim Product"."Account Type",

"Fact Account Summary"."Average Book Balance",

"Fact Account Summary"."EOP Balance",

"Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average Current Rate",

case when '@{TPRateType}'='Rate' then "Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average TP Rate" else "Fact Account Summary"."Charge Credit Rate" end,

case when '@{TPRateType}'='Rate' then "Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average Liquidity Premium Rate" else "Fact Account Summary"."Liquidity Premium Chg" end,

"case when '@{TPRateType}'='Rate' then ""Fact Account Summary"".""Weighted Average Basis Risk Rate"" else ""Fact Account Summary"".""Basis Risk Chg"" end",

case when '@{TPRateType}'='Rate' then "Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average Pricing Incentive Rate" else "Fact Account Summary"."Pricing Incentive Amount Chg" end,

case when '@{TPRateType}'='Rate' then "Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average Other Adjustments Rate" else "Fact Account Summary"."Other Adj Chg" end,

"Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average Charge Credit Rate",

CASE WHEN "Dim Product"."Account Type" in (100,200) Then ("Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average Current Rate"- "Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average All In TP Rate") else Case when "Dim Product"."Account Type" in (300,400) then ("Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average All In TP Rate"-"Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average Current Rate") end end,

case when '@{TPRateType}'='Rate' then "Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average All In TP Rate" else "Fact Account Summary"."Other Adj Chg" + "Fact Account Summary"."Basis Risk Chg" + "Fact Account Summary"."Pricing Incentive Amount Chg" + "Fact Account Summary"."Liquidity Premium Chg" + "Fact Account Summary"."Charge Credit Rate" end

Conditions "Dim Product"."Account Type" IN (100, 200, 300, 400)
Compound Layout

