Transfer Pricing NIM Quality Report

Table 8-104 Transfer Pricing NIM Quality Report

Report Name TP NIM Quality Report
Description This report allows users to view standard deviations of transfer pricing results of the primary transfer pricing value (TRANSFER-RATE).
Dashboards Prompts

Prompt - AsOfDate

  • As of Date

Prompt - Product

  • Product Name

Prompt - OrgUnit

  • Org Unit

Prompt - Entity

  • Legal Entity

Prompt - Rate Type

  • Rate Type

Prompt - Currency

  • Currency Name

Prompt - Product Type

  • Product Type
Report Criteria

"Dim Product"."Product Name",

"Dim Product"."Account Type",

"Dim Product"."Product Name Level19",

sum("Fact Account Summary"."Record Count"),

"Fact Account Summary"."Average Book Balance",

case when ASCII('@{RateType}{Base}') =ASCII('Base') then "Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average TP Rate" else "Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average All In TP Rate" end,

"Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average Current Rate",

case when ASCII('@{RateType}{Base}') =ASCII('Base') then (case when "Dim Product"."Account Type" in (300,400) then "Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average TP Rate" - "Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average Current Rate" when "Dim Product"."Account Type" in (100,200) then "Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average Current Rate" - "Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average TP Rate" end) else (case when "Dim Product"."Account Type" in (300,400) then "Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average All In TP Rate" - "Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average Current Rate"

when "Dim Product"."Account Type" in (100,200) then "Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average Current Rate" - "Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average All In TP Rate" end) end,case when ASCII('@{RateType}{Base}') =ASCII('Base') then STDDEV(case when "Dim Product"."Account Type" in (300,400) then "Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average TP Rate" - "Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average Current Rate" when "Dim Product"."Account Type" in (100,200) then "Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average Current Rate" - "Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average TP Rate" end) else STDDEV(case when "Dim Product"."Account Type" in (300,400) then "Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average All In TP Rate" - "Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average Current Rate" when "Dim Product"."Account Type" in (100,200) then "Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average Current Rate" - "Fact Account Summary"."Weighted Average All In TP Rate" end) end

Conditions "Dim Product"."Account Type" IN (100, 200, 300, 400)
Compound Layout

