Transfer Pricing

Table 8-98 Transfer Pricing

Report Name Transfer Pricing Rule
Description This Report allows users to view details of their Transfer Pricing Rules.
Dashboards Prompts

Prompt - Folder Name

  • Folder Name

Prompt -Transfer Pricing Rule

  • Transfer Pricing Rule

Prompt -Product Hierarchy Name (Transfer price Rule)

  • Product Hierarchy Name

Prompt - Product (TP Rule)

  • Currency

Prompt - Currency (TP Rule)

  • Currency

Prompt - MLS Code

  • MLS - Code
Report Criteria "Fact Transfer Price Rule"."Product Id", "Dim Products (Assumptions)"."Product Name", "Dim Products (Assumptions)"."Is Leaf", "Dim Products (Assumptions)"."Display Order Name", "Dim - Data Source"."Data Source", "Fact Transfer Price Rule"."Ccy Cd", "Dim - TP Method"."Tp Calc Method", "Dim IRCS"."Interest Rate Name", case when cast("Fact Transfer Price Rule"."Cond Sys Id" as char) = '-1' then 'NO' else 'YES' end, "Fact Transfer Price Rule"."Transfer Price Sys Id", "Fact Transfer Price Rule"."Cond Sequence", "Dim Object Definition"."Short Desc"
Conditions < None >
Compound Layout

