5.6.3 Adding an Economic Indicator

To add an Economic Indicator, follow these steps:

  1. Click Add from the Economic Indicator Summary page.
  2. Enter the following information in the Economic Indicator Details window as tabulated.
    • Name: The name of your Economic Indicator is how you will subsequently refer to your rule within the OFS Analytical Applications. You cannot rename existing Economic Indicators.
    • Frequency: The frequency of your Economic Indicator must match the frequency with which the indicator's data is made public. Unemployment statistics, for example, are normally released on a monthly frequency. Select a frequency from the Frequency drop-down list. Available frequencies are Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually, and Annually.
    • Value Type: Select a Value Type from the Value Type drop-down list. Available Value Types are Numeric, Percentage, and Amount.
      • Numeric: 0-999999
      • Percentage: -100 to +100
      • Amount: 0-999999
    • Country: Select a country to which your Economic Indicator applies from the Country drop-down list. The value set of Countries is drawn from the seeded Country dimension. OFSAA is seeded with over 70 country values, and you can add user-defined countries.
  3. Click Save. To build out your historical data, enter data within the Economic Indicators - Historical Data pane.

    The Economic Indicators - Historical Data pane displays a single blank row followed by the most recent period's data (if data has previously been stored in the database).

    Figure 5-15 Economic Indicators - Historical Data section on Economic Indicator window

    This screen allows you to see the historical data that is already available for you.

Table 5-5 Economic Indicators - Historical Data section - Fields and Descriptions

Fields Description
Start Date and End Date Select the Calendar icon immediately adjacent to the End Date to choose an ending date for your Economic Indicator data point. The application will automatically populate the Start Date based on the Economic Indicator's frequency. For example, if your Economic Indicator is an unemployment statistic that has a monthly frequency, select an end date that is the last day of the month that the unemployment rate describes. In this example, the application will automatically populate the Start Date with the first day of the month you have selected.
Value Enter the value for your Economic Indicator (such as the unemployment rate).
Adding Multiple Data Points Click Add to add additional blank rows into which you can enter additional Economic Indicator data. When you have finished adding data, click Save.
Editing Economic Indicators - Historical Data Select a single check box on the left-hand side of any row to enable the Edit. Clicking Edit to become the row active. You can edit this row and subsequently save the changes.
Viewing Economic Indicators - Historical Data

By default, the Economic Indicators - Historical Data pane displays the most recent month of historical data. You can restrict the amount of data displayed by selecting a different value from the Effective Date Range drop-down list.

You can also choose to view a specific date range by modifying the From Date, To Date, or both dates within the Economic Indicators - Historical Data pane.

Deleting Economic Indicators - Historical Data Select one or more check boxes on the left-hand side of any row to enable the Delete icon. After clicking Delete, a confirmation message is displayed to delete the selected rows.
Data Loader

The Data Loader option executes a function to import historical economic indicators for all defined economic indicators. For more information on setting up the automated process, see the OFS Data Model Utilities User Guide.

To execute a data load, click the Data Loader. A warning message will appear Upload all available Economic Indicators?

Click Data Loader to execute all the Economic Indicators.

Excel Import and Export Use Excel Import or Export functionality to add or edit Historical Economic Indicators.