45 Common Utilities and Scripts

This chapter describes the details of common utilities and scripts.


The rmipc.sh script file is a utility that cleans up shared memory segments and semaphores for a given UNIX User ID. This file is present as part of every OFSAA application build and is available in the $FIC_HOME/ficdb/bin folder. Passing the User ID as a command-line is optional. When it is not passed as a command line argument, the shell script will default the ID to that of the currently logged in Unix user. The script will first check for any running OFSAA processes (for example, ALM, FTP, PFT) before attempting to remove any shared memory segments or semaphores. If there are any running OFSAA processes, the script does not run.


The script will always consider only the first 8 characters of the User ID, while determining the list of open semaphores or shared memory arrays.

If you are using AIX platforms, then this script will also terminate your AM process, since the AM process also creates semaphores in AIX. Any process under the OFSAA UNIX ID provided which creates semaphores or shared memory segments may be terminated. Also, be careful if OFSAA and Oracle database has been installed using the same UNIX user ID as this script will clean up all semaphores / shared memory arrays used by the Oracle database. The script is not meant to be used in a batch process.