5.5.2 Currency Rate Validation

Load currency rates through the Rate Management or using the Historical Rate Data Loader. The initial status is Not Yet Validated.

  1. Execute the Currency Rate Validation engine.
  2. Navigate to Operations, select Batch Maintenance, and then click Create Batch.

    Component = "Transform Data"

    Rule Name = "Rate_Validation"

    Parameter List (Required) = FROM_DATE and TO_DATE, for example, '20110101', '20110131'

    After completion of the validation process, the status in the Currency Rates window changes to Valid or Invalid (in case there is an issue).

  3. View both input and calculated results in the FSI_EXCHNG_RATE_DIRECT_ACCESS table. The OFSAA processing engine reads this table for sourcing historical exchange rates.


    Executing Rate Validation is a required step when a multi-currency setup is enabled. All of the OFSAA processing engines require exchange rates to be validated through this process to convert results from base currency to a selected reporting currency. If exchange rate validation is not run or required exchange rates are not available, the engines will use default exchange rates = 1.