Define Other Mortgage Attributes Secondary Tab

The following is a listing of new business fields used in the Define Other Mortgage Attributes secondary tab of the Product Characteristics Rule:

Table 18-7 Fields to add the other mortgage attributes for New Businesses and their Descriptions

Field Description
Customer Credit Score The default value of this is 700 and it must be in the range of 300-850. The value of this field will be automatically populated from the Product Profile window, if the product is mapped to Product Profile and value is defined for Customer Credit Score.
Original Loan To Value The default value of this is 80 and it must be in the range of 1-300. The value of this field will be automatically populated from the Product Profile window, if the product is mapped to Product Profile and value is defined for Original Loan To Value.
Issuer Select the name of the Issuer. The default value is FANNIE_MAE.
Prepayment Index This is the first index value fetched by the UI among the defined ADCo Curves.

This tab will be displayed if ADCo LDM mapping is done, and if the selected currency is USD and the product is of account type Earning Assets.