34.4.2 Detailed Descriptions

FE (Leaf,FE,Lag)

Used in cash flow and Gap Formulas only

The FE function returns the value of the Financial Element for the Leaf specified as stored in the Cash Flow results table.


Table 34-5 FE Function details

Where FE Function Name


Dimension number of applicable hierarchy. If the leaf value is greater than nine digits, it must be input with a decimal point or the answer will return zero. (Example: Leaf value 123456789012345 returns a 0 value. Leaf 123456789012345.00 returns an accurately calculated value.)


Financial Element Code number (see table above)


Relative to Formula Results Rule buckets. May be posi­tive or negative.

0 = Current bucket

-1 = Previous Bucket

1 = Next bucket


If the leaf value is the same as the formula leaf you are modeling, it will read what was in the Cash Flow results table before processing the formula leaf you are processing. To access the values as they change during the calculation, use CLFE


To access the results from multiple leaves, you must add together multiple FE functions (e.g. FE(995,100,0) + FE(996,100,0) +...)


Used in Cash Flow and Gap Formulas only

The CLFE Function returns the value of the financial element of the current leaf in memory. This func­tion allows you to use the result of a prior calculation within the Formula Results Rule which does not reside in the Cash Flow Results table. CLFE differs from FE (same leaf) because it accesses the com­puted value of the financial element, not what was in the results table when processing began


Table 34-6 CLFE Function Details

Where CLFE Function Name


Relative to Formula Results Rule buckets. May be positive or negative.

0 = Current bucket

-1 = Previous Bucket

1 = Next bucket


K (Coeff,Lag)

Used in Cash Flow Formulas only

The K Function allows the use of a user defined coefficient to be used in the formulas. Coefficients may be defined for each individual modeling bucket. This feature provides for ease of use and flexibility in building of Formula Results Rule formulas.


Table 34-7 K Function details

Where K Function Name


User defined Coefficient Code number


Relative to Coefficient defined buckets

0 = Current bucket

-1 = Previous Bucket

1 = Next bucket


SFE (Leaf,FE)

Used in Market Value Formulas only

The SFE function Returns the value of the Financial Element of the Leaf specified as stored in the Results_Master table.

If the leaf value is the same as the formula leaf you are modeling, it will read what was in the Cash Flow Results table before processing the formula leaf you are processing. To access the values as they change during the calculation, use SCLFE.


Table 34-8 SFE Function details

Where SFE Function Name


Dimension number of applicable hierarchy. If the leaf value is greater than nine digits, it must be input with a decimal point or the answer will return zero. (Example: Leaf value 123456789012345 returns a 0 value. Leaf 123456789012345.00 returns an accu­rately calculated value.)


To access the results from multiple leaves, you must add together multiple SFE functions (e.g. SFE(995,2001) + SFE(996,2001) +...)


Used in Market Value Formulas Only

The SCLFE Function returns the value of the financial element of the current leaf in memory. This func­tion allows you to use the results of a prior calculation within the Formula Results Rule which may not reside in the results table. It differs from SFE (same leaf) because it accesses the computed value of the financial element, not what was in the results table when processing began.


Table 34-9 SCLFE Function details

Where SCLFE Function Name


Financial Element Code number (see table above)

IGK(Coeff, Lag)

Used in Gap Formulas only

IRR Gap Coefficient function allows the use of a user defined coefficient to be used in the formulas. Coefficients may be defined for each individual Gap bucket. This feature provides for ease of use and flexibility in building of Formula Results Rule Formula.


Table 34-10 IGK Function details

Where IGK Function Name


User defined Coefficient Code num­ber


Relative to Coefficient defined buck­ets

0 = Current bucket

-1 = Previous Bucket

1 = Next bucket


LGK(Coeff, Lag)

Used in Gap Formulas only.

Liquidity Gap Coefficient function allows the use of a user defined coefficient to be used in the formu­las. Coefficients may be defined for each individual Gap bucket. This feature provides for ease of use and flexibility in building of Formula Results Rule Formula.


Table 34-11 LGK Function details

Where LGK Function Name


User defined Coefficient Code number


Relative to Coefficient defined buckets

0 = Current bucket

-1 = Previous Bucket

1 = Next bucket


SK (Coeff)

Used in Market Value Formulas

The SK Function allows the use of a user defined coefficient to be used in the formulas. This features provides for ease of use and flexibility in building of Formula Results Rule formulas.


Table 34-12 SK Function details

Where SK Function Name


User defined Coefficient Code number

RT (IRC, Lag, Term, Mult)

Used in Cash Flow Formulas only

The RT function returns the value of the Forecasted Interest Rate Code from the Forecast Rate ID uti­lized in the Processing ID.


Table 34-13 RT Function details

Where RT Function Name


Interest Rate Code used in Historical and Forecast Rate ID.


Relative to Formula Results Rule buckets. May be positive or negative.

0 = Current bucket

-1 = Previous bucket

1 = Next bucket



Point on the yield curve.


Numeric code for multipliers

1 = Days

2 = Months

3 = Years


The Term/Mult combination must be exact, even for interest rate codes with a single point. If the interest rate code has a 1 Y point, you cannot refer to it as the 12 M point. You must use 1 Y. Refer to the chapters Historical Rates ID or Forecast Rates ID elsewhere in this Guide for exact Term/Multiplier definition.

Example: The 1 Year point on the Treasury Yield Curve (110) with no lags = RT(110,0,1,3)

DAYS (Lag)

Used in Cash Flow Formulas Only

The DAYS function returns the number of days in the current modeling bucket or a range of modeling buckets. For example, if you defined 60 monthly modeling buckets in the Confiq. ID. The DAYS func­tion will return the number of days in its respective bucket, i.e. January; 31 days, February; 28 days. Conversely, if you had defined each modeling bucket to be a period of just 2 weeks, the DAYS function would return 14.


Table 34-14 DAYS function details

Where DAYS Function Name


Relative to Formula Results Rule buckets. May be positive or negative.

Bucket 1- Janu­ary

Bucket 2 - Febru­ary

Bucket 3 - March

31 days

28 days

31 days

DAYS (0) Result: 31

DAYS(-1) Result: 59

DAYS(-2) Result: 90

The Lag feature in the DAYS function works differently than the other functions. Where lag normally identifies from which bucket relative to the current bucket to extract data, in the DAYS function it works as a parameter for accumulation. For example, a lag of -1 will take the number of days in the previous bucket and add it to the number of days in the current bucket, i.e. Results: 59


Used in Cash Flow Formulas Only

The MONTH function returns the numeric value of the month of the 1st day of the current modeling bucket. Example: Current modeling bucket is January; MONTH() will return 1. If the modeling bucket is Jan-1 through Mar-31, MONTH( ) will also return 1.


Table 34-15 MONTHS function details

Where MONTH Function Name


open/close parentheses